Port of Melbourne Stakeholder and Industry Consultation 2021
Our port users and stakeholders are at the heart of the port and keep it moving. Port of Melbourne is committed to engaging with its stakeholders, and to continually improving the way we inform and consult with our port users, customers, industry, government and the community. Together we are creating the future and building on our proud history.
Find below more information on the 2021 consultation program as well as more information on key topics.
2021 Industry Consultation Program
Port of Melbourne values the views of its port users and wider stakeholders.
Throughout April and May 2021, we consulted with port users and other industry stakeholders to provide an update on key issues, port activities and stakeholder interests. Some of these topics included our investment program, trade information, tariff update and preferred ways of communicating.
As part of this process, we spoke to stakeholders and heard your views and interests, to help shape open and effective engagement in the future.
We delivered a series of engagement activities during this period and the summary of the consultation can be found below. The feedback will inform a new Port of Melbourne Engagement Framework.
Consultation Summary
Thank you to those who participated in our industry consultation program.
A summary of the program can be found here.
More than 100 representatives from three states attended workshops and briefings and completed surveys. This feedback will shape our engagement framework, our future engagement programs, and our day to day communication. We thank industry for the time and expertise, and look forward to continuing to work together.
If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Port of Melbourne contacts, or email information@portofmelbourne.com.
Consultation Material – Industry Presentation
At each industry workshop we referred to this slide deck in our presentations. As part of our commitment to ensuring stakeholders have access to key information, we are making the presentation available to industry. The slide deck covers:
- Industry updates
- Our Framework of obligations
- Prescribed Services and Pricing
- Non-Prescribed Services update
- Investment planning overview
- Project in Focus – Webb Dock East Beth 4 & 5 Extension
- How we engage

Consultation Material – PDS Delivery Program
The PDS Delivery Program outlines the indicative timing and sequencing of each of the Major Projects outlined in the 2050 PDS over the next 15 years.
These projects have been determined on the basis of the initial planning activities conducted through the development of the 2050 PDS and Our Plan for Rail, and have been further refined based on feedback received through consultation and engagement with industry, community and government stakeholders. If you have further information on the program, or any other matter, please contact us.
Talk to us
To speak with a member of the team or find out how you can get involved, contact us on 1300 857 662 or at information@portofmelbourne.com