Public notices

Port of Melbourne issues public notices from time to time, advising of changes or activities in and around the port that may impact the industry and/or local community.

Douglas Parade Rock Revetment Project

Last updated: 08/01/25

Port of Melbourne will be carrying out works on sections of the Douglas Parade Rock Revetment from January to March 2025 (see map here).

The revetment is approximately 500 metres long and located between two concrete seawalls near the Newport Power Station, adjacent to Newport Riverside Park and Bay Trail West. A 50-meter section of the revetment will be remediated to protect against erosion.

From January, Port of Melbourne’s contractor, Dirt Rock Civil, will be on site from 7:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday and 7:30am to 4:00pm on Saturdays. No works will be undertaken on Sundays. Weather permitting, the works are expected to take approximately 8 weeks, after which temporary fencing will be removed and the ground surface remediated as part of completing the project.

Similar works will take place south of Short Road, on the opposite side of the Yarra River, which will continue into 2025.

Beacon Pile Replacement Program

Last updated: 21/11/24

Earlier this year Port of Melbourne commenced a Beacon Pile Replacement Program which will include replacing 29 monopile beacons in the South and Port Melbourne Channels.

Works will soon commence outside the South Channel and for safety purposes vessels will need to provide a 50metre minimum clearance while works are taking place.

These works are expected to continue through to April 2025.

For more details, view the project fact sheet here.

Proposed mooring locations can be found here.

Yarra River Services Protection Project

Last updated: 02/09/24

As part of the Channel Deepening Project in 2008-2009, the Yarra River Services Protection Structures were installed as a safeguard over three trunk services in the Yarra River downstream of the West Gate Bridge.

Port of Melbourne will soon be undertaking works including:

  • Visual survey of the grouted rock protection structure to inform defects​; and
  • Remediation of deteriorated grouted rock.

Works are scheduled to commence from week commencing 16 September 2024 and may take between 6-8 months to complete, subject to weather conditions and actual extent of defects. Port of Melbourne has worked closely with Ports Victoria to establish a set of protocols that provide maximum flexibility while facilitating these essential works.

Conformation of works will be issued via Notice to Mariners.

For further information a fact sheet can be downloaded here: Yarra River Services Protection Project Fact Sheet

A presentation on the project can be downloaded here: Yarra River Services Protection Project Presentation

Changes to Coode Road

As part of the Port Rail Transformation Project (PRTP) located in the Swanson Dock precinct, the Port of Melbourne has permanently closed a section of Coode Road between Dock Link Road and Phillipps Road.

Connectivity will still be maintained between Dock Link Road and Coode Road, through a new two-lane, two-way road, named Intermodal Way.

This notice advises the two phases of the implementation of these permanent changes to Coode Road.